The Smart Dental Team
Dr Jason Pireh
Annabel Butt
Oral Health Therapist
Dr Kenneth Soh
Dr Shirley Khor
Where it all began
Eddie Pireh, Dr Jason Pireh’s uncle, started the first Smart Dental clinic in Smart Street, Fairfield in 1988. Dr Jason then graduated from the University of Sydney in the early 1990’s and started practice in 1996 with his uncle at the clinic in Fairfield. In 1998, the second Smart Dental clinic was opened at West Pennant Hills. The opportunity arose again in the expanding Hills District of Sydney to open a third Smart Dental clinic in Kellyville in 2004. A short time later the Fairfield clinic was closed and merged with the Smart Dental clinic in Kellyville.
We have continued to be leaders in dental technologies as they have emerged. In 1998 Smart Dental clinics were one of the first in NSW to have digital x-rays and dental cameras with intra oral images. This interest in technology has continued onto recent developments in three dimensional technologies, with Smart Dental clinics being one of the first to have 3D scanning equipment. This now enables us to obtain full details of your dental needs on site with 90% less exposure to radiation than traditional methods.

Smart Dental gives back to the community
Here at Smart Dental we believe it’s important to give back to our community, particularly those less fortunate. Smart Dental has forged strong relationships with several non profit organisations over the years including Compassion Australia and World Hope Network and we look forward to these partnerships continuing into the future.
Compassion Australia
Compassion Australia is an international Christian child development and child advocacy organisation.
They are committed to working in partnership with local churches to address the economic, social, physical, emotional and spiritual needs of children living in extreme poverty in over 25 developing countries.
Smart Dental supports Compassion Australia particularly through the child sponsorship program by sponsoring 110 children with the greatest needs across most parts of the developing world. Smart Dental has sponsored children through Compassion Australia since 1996.
Grace Ministries
As director of dental care with the world hope network in Cambodia, Dr Jason Pireh’s vision for serving our wider community is to broaden the boundaries of our care to those less fortunate yet deserving of dignity, value and worth.
Smart Dental’s hopes and goals are to provide holistic care to children globally. Smart Dental has reached almost 400 children through our sponsorship’s – as this is a part of who we are as a group.
Within Cambodia, with the help of Dr Pireh and university dental students and remote village health care clinics our future plans are to further sponsor those in need and train and recruit many health professionals from Australia to serve those less fortunate.
Do you share our hope to serve those who need it most? Contact us at Smart Dental for yearly short trips to South East Asia or to find ways in which to help.
World Hope Network
World Hope Network is a Christian relief and development organisation working with vulnerable and exploited communities to alleviate poverty, suffering and workplace injustice.
World Hope Network is making an impact on the medical needs of developing communities through its regular short-term mission trips comprising teams of volunteers and medical professionals.
Dr Jason Pireh takes part in short term mission trips to Cambodia. These missions help people through the provision of medical and dental care in rural and remote country areas. Over 5 days they are able to help approximately 1300 people. Of the presenting symptoms, the common ones are malnutrition and vision and dental issues. The dental team performs over 200 tooth extractions during these visits. Here are some photos of Dr Jason and the team in action.